"The Earth is Art, The Photographer is only a Witness" - Yann Arthurs-Bertrand

Monday, 17 December 2012

Edinburgh Christmas Market

Every year at the end of November Edinburgh transforms the East Princes Street Gardens into a Christmas Market for six weeks, which attracts thousands of locals and tourists.

First of all there is a Traditional German Christmas Market where you can try mulled wine, beer, different kind of sausages, cheese, gingerbread, French crepes or Scottish food.

It also gives you an opportunity to buy some stuff for winter like funny hats or Christmas gifts among which you can find different Christmas figurines, ornaments, candles or jewellery.

The Market is not too big, very crowded and you can smell mulled wine in the air.

If you want to have some fun, there is no better place to be as Edinburgh offers its Christmas Fair. You can choose from many attractions like an ice rink, the Edinburgh Wheel, a Snowglobe (inside which you can play with snow while a photo will be taken), a helter skelter, the Christmas carousel , a bungee snowdome or a flying carousel. For the first time this year children can watch "Rocket the Reindeer" in 3D cinema.

If you want to hear a bit of Scottish accent, here is a link with a short song prepared for this year:
Enjoy Winter in Edinburgh

There are many other attractions throughout the Christmas time in Edinburgh like fairs, concerts or Santa Run.

No matter how great this place looks like and that we always want to have fun, let's not forget that Christmas is not about a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, gifts, festive food and drink, but the real meaning of Christmas is simple as that: Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. I have this horibble feeling that people want to celebrate Christmas only to have another occasion to have fun and get presents, but they do not want to say it loud that Christmas is about Little Jesus who was born on 24th December. Maybe that is why I love Polish Christmas and I am proud of Polish traditions and I miss being there at Christmas so much.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Życzę Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

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